Ensamble is a modular wall panel system, developed by
The models developed are based on simple but refined patterns. Being inspired by organic and hard geometry structures.
Any of the panels can be developed on three different finishes: polished natural wood, polyurethane lacquered or melamine board. Because of its modular quality, they can be adapted to different areas and configurations: from floor to ceiling, on a line, half wall socket, etc.
They have a strong graphic style that realizes an interdisciplinary collaboration.

Ensamble is a modular wall panel system, developed by
The models developed are based on simple but refined patterns. Being inspired by organic and hard geometry structures.
Any of the panels can be developed on three different finishes: polished natural wood, polyurethane lacquered or melamine board. Because of its modular quality, they can be adapted to different areas and configurations: from floor to ceiling, on a line, half wall socket, etc.
They have a strong graphic style that realizes an interdisciplinary collaboration.
More info & prices here.